Saturday 28 May 2016


Abu `Ali Husain b. `Abdullah Ibn Sina, Balkhi, better known as Avicenna in the West, was the greatest of all medieval Muslim physicians. Also known as Al-Shaykh Al-Ra’as, and celebrated in the Western world as ‘the father of modern medicine,’ his is the most illustrious name in Arabic medical history after al-Razi. While Al-Razi was more of a physician than Ibn Sina, Ibn Sina was more of a philosopher. The author of 450 books on a variety of subjects including Philosophy and Medicine, Ibn Sina had a direct impact on the intellectual rebirth of Europe. George Sarton considers him to be the most famous scientist of Islam and one of the most famous of all races, places and times. He was one in the famed quartet of Mu`tazilite scholars, others being Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd. Of the first three, it is said that the harmonization of Greek philosophy with Islam begun by al-Kindi, an Arab, was continued by al-Farabi, a Turk, and completed in the East by Ibn-Sina, a Persian.

George Sarton considers Ibn Sina to be the most famous scientist of Islam and one of the most famous of all races, places and times.
Ibn Sina was about five years old, when his family moved to Bukhara, where his father was appointed as a governor of Kharmayathnah, a village in the suburbs. His father, whose home was a meeting place for the local scholars, diligently educated him at Bukhara. While certainly acquainted with Isma`ili tenets, Ibn Sina however refused to adopt them. A precocious child with an extraordinary intelligence and memory, and who overtook his teachers at the age of fourteen, he had memorized theQur’an and a great deal of Arabic poetry by the age of ten. He also studied Arabic literature and sciences including Islamic law, astronomy, medicine, logic and philosophy by the age of eighteen. Learning arithmetic from a greengrocer, he then began to learn more from a wandering scholar who gained a livelihood by curing the sick and teaching the young. In times of mental agitation over metaphysical problems and over the works of Aristotle, in particular, Ibn Sina left his books, performed the ritual ablution (Wudu), prayed at the Mosque, and continued in prayer till light broke into his heart.
In Physics Ibn Sina made the important observation that if the perception of light is due to the emission of some sort of particles by the luminous source, the speed of light must be finite. He propounded an interconnection between time and motion, and also made investigations on specific gravity and used an air thermometer.
He was introduced to various religious, philosophical and scientific teachings at a very early age. For example, he was introduced to the Epistles of the Brethren of Purity and Isma`ilism by his father. He was also exposed to the Sunni doctrine, as his Fiqh teacher, Isma`il al-Zahid, was well versed with both Sunni as well as the Twelver-Imam Shi`ism. In addition, he was given some background in logic, geometry and astronomy by his other teacher, Abu `Abdallah al-Natili. He exercised his independence of thought very quickly. First, he dispensed with teachers, continuing his education on his own; and second, he did not adhere to any of the doctrines to which he was exposed. Rather, he drew on various sources, selecting only what he considered convincing. His system was unique, however, and cannot be said to follow any of the prevalent schools. Even al-Shifa, which reflects a strong Aristotelian tendency, is not purely Aristotelian, as is usually considered. The theory of certainty, for example which is basically Neo-Platonism, and that of prophecy, which is Islamic in essence, are but two examples of many non-Aristotelian teachings. Al-Juzjani confirms the uniqueness of this work and asserts that it is nothing but the product of Ibn Sina’s own mind. Ibn Sina himself makes a point, stressing his originality in this work, especially, in Logic and Physics.
Turning to medicine at 16, not only did he learn theoretical medicine, but also discovered new methods of treatment. A perfect physician by age 18, he is reported to have said: ‘Medicine is not a hard and difficult science like Mathematics and Metaphysics, and so I soon made great progress. I became an excellent doctor and began to treat patients, using approved remedies.’ His first appointment was that of physician to the Samanid Amir Nuh b. Mansur when he contracted a dangerous illness (in 997 CE). Ibn Sina cured him and was allowed to use the royal library of the Samanids as a reward for this service.
From an Ibn Sina Manuscripts dated 1347 CE(De Generatione Embryonis)
From an Ibn Sina Manuscripts dated 1347 CE(De Generatione Embryonis)
After his father’s death, Ibn Sina left Bukhara for Jurjaniyah and offered his services to the Khawarzmian dynasty. In this court, he wrote Kitab al-Tadaruk li-Anwa` al-Khata’ fi’l-Tadbir and Qiyam al-’Ard fi Wasat al-Sama’ on mathematics and astronomy respectively. Meanwhile, Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna, envious of the brilliance of the Khawarazim court demanded Avicenna’s attendance in his own royal court which boasted of men of the caliber of Firdawsi, the father of the Persian language. However, Avicenna chose to escape to Gurgan and then to Jurjan. Joined here by his lifetime companion, Juzjani, he wrote Kitab-al-Mukhtasar al-Awsat, Kitab al-Mabda’ w’al-Ma’ad, and Al-Arsad al-Kulliyyah, along with chapters which later formed parts of Al-Najat and Al-Qanun.
Later, he left for Ray, near modern Teheran, and settled down there. He wrote about 30 of his shorter works at Ray. This was followed by a short stay at Qazwin after which he left for Hamadan. In Hamadan, he first entered into the services of an aristocratic lady, but when the Amir Shamsud-Dawla heard of his arrival, he called Ibn Sina to the palace to be appointed as physician, and sent him back with presents. He was subsequently appointed the vizier. But a soldiers’ rebellion against him saw him being imprisoned. However, with the Amir falling ill yet again, Ibn Sina was released and returned to his position. While he cured the Amir of his illness, some problems crept up between the two and the Amir decided to banish him from the country. Ibn Sina, however, went into hiding for 40 days until the Amir fell ill yet again. He was then recalled and reinstated as the vizier. It was around this time that he wrote his two philosophical treatises: Kitab al-Shifa (The Book of Remedies) and Al-Adwiyyat al-Qalbiyyah (Remedies of the Heart). After Shamsud-Dawlah’s death, his son `Ali came to power and asked Ibn Sina to continue as vizier. But Ibn Sina, disinterested in the offer, wished to work with Abu Ja`far `Ala al-Dawla, the ruler of Ishfahan, and another son of the Amir. Refusing the post therefore, Ibn Sina hid himself in the house of an apothecary. It was thus in this time of hiding that he completed his philosophical work, Kitab al-Shifa.
Meanwhile, he sent a letter to Abu Ja`far offering his services. However, the new Amir of Hamadan came to know of this and discovering his hiding place, imprisoned him. During this period, a war erupted between Isfahan and Hamadan. Hamadan was defeated and its rulers expelled in 1024 CE. Ibn Sina was released following this political change and subsequently escaped to Isfahan disguised as a Sufi and joined Abu Ja`far. He spent the remaining ten or twelve years of his life as a physician of Abu Ja`far ‘Ala al-Dawla and as his advisor in matters of science and literature.
During these years he began to study literary matters and philology, and composed numerous works including the Kitab al-Najat (The Book of Deliverance) and the Danishnama-e-`Alai (The Alai Book of Knowledge) which he wrote in Farsi. Besides this, his passion for wine and women also increased. This love of enjoyment weakened his health and he soon became a patient affected by a severe colic during the army’s march against Hamadan. Upon reaching Hamadan his condition worsened. His friends advised him to give up such habits and to take the pleasures of life moderately. But he refused their advice, saying: “I prefer a short life with depth to a narrow one with length”. At last, and on the verge of death, he is said to have felt remorse and repented. Furthermore, he donated his belongings to the poor, freed his slaves and listened to the reading of the Qur’an every third day till his death. He died in June 1037 CE (428 H) in Hamadan, Persia, at the age of fifty-eight and was buried at the same place.


Although less absolute and more disputed, Ibn Sina’s influence in philosophy was more lasting, inasmuch as St. Thomas Aquinas was influenced by certain of his proofs in his making of Catholic theology. But, Ibn Sina, already treated with the medical men, was indebted to al-Farabi in his philosophical views. In the judgment of Ibn Khallikan, “No Muslim ever reached in philosophical science the same rank as al-Farabi; and it was by the study of his writings and by the imitation of his style that Ibn Sina attained proficiency and rendered his own work so useful.” In the East, the people interested in philosophy were mostly partisans of the system of Ibn Sina. But unlike the Persian al-Suhrawardi, who incorporates into his own system many Zoroastrian concepts, Ibn Sina makes no attempt to substantiate his claim that the Oriental philosophy derives from an ancient eastern philosophical tradition.
Ibn Sina said, “When an initiate (salik) practices enough ascetic discipline and combines it with spiritual efforts his or her soul and secret (sirr) become a mirror which reflects the Truth (al-Haqq).”

Any study of Ibn Sina is incomplete without delving into the meaning of his Oriental philosophy (Al-Hikmah al Mashriqiyyah) which has drawn the attention of many Western scholars from L. Massignton to H. Corbin who provided the most extensive plausible reconstruction of it. This aspect of Ibn Sina’s thoughts is an important link in the uninterrupted tradition of Islamic philosophy marking a notable stepping stone from the synthesis of Ibn Sina to the illuminationist doctrines of Suhrawardi, who in his Qisas al-Ghurabat al-Gharbiyyah (the Story of the Occidental Exile) refers explicitly to the Hayy ibn Yaqzan and considers his work to be the achievement of what Ibn Sina had set out to accomplish without reaching the ultimate goal, implying that the Oriental philosophy was a prelude for Hikmat al-Ishraq, or Theosophy of the Orient of Light formulated a century and a half later by Suhrawardi. Ibn Sina’s Oriental philosophy belongs to the same world as that of Suhrawardi’s Ishraq as was considered by such later figures as Mulla Sadra and Sabziwari.
In Ibn Sina’s Oriental philosophy, it is not so much that the Aristotelian cosmos is repudiated as it is transformed. The outline and content of the universe remain the same; but reason becomes wedded to the intellect, the external cosmos becomes interiorized, facts become symbols and philosophy becomes a veritable Sophia (in the Gnostic view of creation, the material world is created through a sort of error or accident by the Aeon – emanation of god, essentially – called Sophia. Sophia comes from the Greek for ‘wisdom’) inseparable from the gnosis which Ibn Sina defended so vigorously in the ninth chapter entitled Fi Maqamat al-`Arifin (On the Stations of the Gnostics)


In Physics, he made the important observation that if the perception of light is due to the emission of some sort of particles by the luminous source, the speed of light must be finite. He propounded an interconnection between time and motion, and also made investigations on specific gravity and used an air thermometer. More of an Aristotelian in Physics, Ibn Sina was inferior to al-Razi, who had discovered the existence of vacuum, which he himself denied. However, he opposed the theory of the transmutation of metals, and hence alchemy because, in his opinion, the metals differed in a fundamental sense.

Opening page of Ibn Sina Canon of Medicine
Opening page of Ibn Sina Canon of Medicine

But it is of interest to note that the discussion of the soul takes up a large portion of Ibn Sina’s physics. Ibn Sina, about whom it has been said that he came to the Gnostic path after having been affected by the powerful gaze of the Sufi master, Abu Yusuf al-Hamdani, in the streets of Hamadan, is not at all rationalistic in his view of the soul and intellect. He says: Al-Nafs al-Natiqah (the Human Soul) is empty in terms of intelligible forms. When it contacts the active intellect, these forms pour into it and it eventually becomes the abode of the forms. All the intelligibles (Ma`qulat) which are, at once, potential and veiled have been actualized by the illumination of the Active Intellect. Ibn Sina treats the Active Intellect as the disembodied intelligence that governs the terrestrial sphere. When the soul contacts the Active Intellect’s process of knowing, then naturally it can receive something from the Active Intellect according to its purity. The soul receives the reflection of the First Being through the participation of the celestial world. Mystical knowledge is the continuation and perhaps the more advanced stage of natural rational knowledge. What distinguishes mystical knowledge from rational knowledge is not its forms but its objects. The revelation of the unseen (Ghayb) can occur in intense thought. But sometimes it can come within the experiences of a Gnostic (`Arif). Ibn Sina also observes in another text that “When an initiate (Salik) practices enough ascetic discipline and combines it with spiritual efforts, his or her soul and secret (Sirr) become a mirror which reflects the Truth (al-Haqq).”


After al-Farabi, it was Ibn Sina who contributed the most important works in Arabic on the theory of music. A composer of music himself, he abridged earlier works and included in his Al-Shifa a study of music which was translated to Latin and became a text-book in Western Europe. In music, his contribution – an improvement over Farabi’s work – was far ahead of knowledge prevailing elsewhere on the subject. Doubling with the fourth and fifth was an impo rtant step towards the harmonic system and doubling with the third seems to have also been allowed. Ibn Sina observed that in the series of consonances represented by (n+1)/n, the ear is unable to distinguish them when n = 45.


A Page from Medical Text of Ibn Sina
A Page from Medical Text of Ibn Sina
One of the four parts of Kitab al Shifa is devoted to mathematics and Ibn Sina includes astronomy and music as branches of mathematics within this encyclopedic work. In fact, he divided mathematics into four branches, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, and music, and he then subdivided each of these topics. He subdivided geometry into geodesy, statics, kinematics, hydrostatics, and optics. Astronomy, he subdivided into astronomical and geographical tables, including the calendar. He divided arithmetic into algebra, and Indian addition and subtraction. Music is subdivided into musical instruments.


Determining the causes of health and diseases,Ibn Sina believed that the human body cannot be restored to health unless the causes of both health and disease are determined. He stated that Medicine (Tibb) is the science by which we learn the various states of the human body when in health and when not in health, and the means by which health is likely to be lost, and when lost, is likely to be restored. In other words, medicine is the science whereby health is conserved and an art whereby it is restored after being lost.


Ibn Sina considered logic as the key to philosophy, whose pursuit is the key to happiness. Ibn Sina opens his logical treaties with a discussion of expressions, beginning with single expressions, the smallest elements of the explanatory phrase and proof. He also contributed to psychology, geology, natural history, chemistry, astronomy, economics and politics.
His most famous works are Kitab al-Shifa(The Book of Healing), Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb (The Canon of Medicine), Al-Najah (Deliverance), `Uyun al-Hikmah (Sources of Wisdom),Dansishname-e-`Aalai (The Book of Science Dedicated to `Ala al-Dawla) and Al-Isharat wa al Tanbihat (Remarks and Admonitions).

Kitab al-Shifa:

: This is the most detailed philosophical work of Ibn Sina that deals with Logic, Physics, Mathematics and Metaphysics. Logic is divided into nine parts, physics into eight and mathematics into four. Physics (with the exception of the two parts dealing with animals and plants, which were completed after mathematics) was the first to be written, followed by Metaphysics, then Logic, and finally Mathematics. Logic and Metaphysics have been printed more than once, the latter, e.g. at Venice in 1493, 1495, and 1546 CE. Bringing Aristotelian and Platonian philosophy together with Islamic theology, Kitab al-Shifa divides knowledge into the theoretical and practical. The theoretical, which seeks knowledge of the truth, includes physics, mathematics and metaphysics; and practical that seeks knowledge of good, includes ethics, economics and politics. The purpose of theoretical philosophy is to perfect the soul through knowledge alone. The purpose of practical philosophy is to perfect the soul through knowledge of what must be done, so that the soul acts in accordance with this knowledge. Theoretical philosophy is knowledge of things that exist not owing to our choice and action. Practical philosophy is knowledge of things that exist on account of our choice and action. His philosophy synthesizes Aristotelian tradition, Neo-Platonic influences and Muslim theology.

Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb:

Ibn Sina’s Canon was used in the Universities of Europe for full 500 years as a text book.
Considered the most famous single book in the history of medicine, Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb (The Canon of Medicine) consists of five parts. Translated into Latin a number of times, and once in Naples in 1491 CE into Hebrew, it was considered the most important medical source both in the West for 500 years (i.e., until the beginning of the 11/ 17th century) and continues to be the primary source of Islamic medicine wherever it is practiced to this day. The Canon of Medicine set the standards for Medicine in Europe for centuries and was used in Universities as a text book for full 500 years. While classifying and describing diseases, and outlining their assumed causes, hygiene, simple and complex medicines, and functions of body parts are also covered. It asserts that tuberculosis is contagious: a fact later disputed by Europeans, but which subsequently proved to be true. It also describes the symptoms and complications of diabetes. An Arabic edition of the Canon appeared in Rome in 1593 CE but the Latin version alone had about 30 editions, founded on the original translation by Gerard of Cremona. The book, a partial translation of which was made into English recently, distinguishes Mediastinitis from Pleurisy and recognizes the contagious nature of Phthisis and the spreading of disease by water and soil. It gives a scientific diagnosis of Ankylostomiasis and attributes it to an intestinal worm. Its materia medica considers some 760 drugs. In the words of Dr. Ostler it has remained “a medical bible for a longer period than any other work.” Ibn Sina’s other medical works translated into Latin are the Medicamenta Cordialia, Canticum de Medicina, and the Tractatus de Syrupo Acetoso.

Al-Isharat wal Tanbihat:

Consisting of logic, physics and metaphysics this is the most mature and comprehensive philosophical work of Ibn Sina. It closes with a treatment of mysticism: a treatment that may be classified more properly under ethics – considered in its Sufi sense – than metaphysics.


A summary of Al-Shifa, it is in four parts: Logic, Physics and Metaphysics, prepared by Ibn Sina, and Mathematics by al-Juzjani.

`Uyun al-Hikmah:

Also known as Al-Mujaz (Epitome), it was probably intended for class instruction in logic, physics and metaphysics, owing to its simplicity, clarity and brevity.


Also in four parts, this book is significant in that it is the first work of Islamic peripatetic philosophy in Persian. In addition, he left a number of literary works like Hayy ibn Yaqzan (The Living Son of the Vigilant), Risalat al-Tayr (The Epistle of the Bird), Risalah fi al-`Ishq (Essay on love) and Tahsil al-S`adah (Attainment of Happiness). His most important poems are Al-Urjuzah fi al-Tibb (An iambic poem on medicine), Al-Qasidatu al-Muzdawijah (An ode in couplets) and Al-Qasidatu al-`Ayniyyah (An ode whose verses end with the letter `ayn). He also wrote a number of Persian poems. All his works were written in Arabic (which was the actual scientific language of that time) and in Persian, Ibn Sina’s own mother tongue. Of linguistic significance even to this day, are a few books that he wrote in pure classical Persian.
He wrote at least one treatise on alchemy, but several others have been falsely attributed to him. While his book on animals was translated by Michael Scot, Ibn Sina was also interested in the effect of the mind on the body, and wrote a great deal on psychology, in the process influencing Ibn Tufayl, an Andalusian Arab Muslim philosopher, physician and court official, and Ibn Bajjah, an Andalusian Arab Muslim philosopher and physician known in the West as Avempace.
Considered a Persian hero in Iran, he is often regarded as one of the greatest Persians who have ever lived. Many of his portraits and statues remain in Iran today. An impressive monument to the life and works of the man who is known as the ‘doctor of doctors’ still stands outside the Bukhara museum and his portrait hangs in the Hall of the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Paris. A crater on the moon is named Avicenna after him.

Friday 27 May 2016

Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltut

Sheikh Shaltut is remembered for encouraging harmonious interactions between the two branches of Islam: Sunni and Shi’i. He maintained close relations with prominent Shi’i figures such as Seyyed Hossein Borujerdiand zealously campaigned for open discussion and cooperation between the two branches. Shaltut desperately wanted to overcome misconstructions and avoid quarrels between the two sects.
Shaykh Shaltut’s  fatwa about shia Madhab(1959) is still seen as a symbol of hope for those aspiring for a reconciliation between the two branches. Sheikh Shaltut strove to portray Islam to the world as a religion of unity, flexibility, and moderation.
Imam Shaltut send this letter in the year 1959 to a Shia Scholar in response of a query regarding Shia and Sunni Maslak. The Sheikh was Asked if Islam prohibits following the shia School of thouoght? He replied throught a verdict in his letter.
  • One thing in Imam Shaltut’s letter is that, his exellancy addressed the shia scholar as “Dear Muslim”therefore the very first words are showing that Takfir does not apply on Shia Madhab.
  • The second clause in this letter clearly stats that,
“The Ja’fary school of thought which is also known as Al shia Al Imamia Athna Asharee is a school of thought which is religiously correct to follow as other Sunni Schools of thought.
Below is the verdict(Fatwa) of the Head of Al Azhar University, with the original seal.

Shaykh Ali Gomaa was born on March 3rd 1952 in Bani Suwaif, Upper Egypt. He was raised in a pious household that respected knowledge. His father, a lawyer specializing in personal status shariah law, transferred his love of books to his son whose private library now boasts over 30,000 titles and is sought out by students and researchers from around the world in need of rare texts.
Shaykh Ali began memorizing the Quran at the age of ten and, although he did not go to religious schools, by the time he graduated from high school he had studied the six canonical collections of hadith as well as Maliki jurisprudence. When it came time for him to go to college he had the choice to enter either the faculty engineering or the faculty of commerce. He chose commerce since it was a field that would allow him the spare time to continue his religious studies while he was in school.
After graduating from college Shaykh Ali enrolled in al-Azhar University. During his first year in al-Azhar he memorized many of the foundational texts that other students who had gone through the al-Azhar high school system had already encountered. These included works in jurisprudence, Arabic grammar, Quranic recitation, and hadith methodology. After completing a second bachelor’s degree from al-Azhar in 1979, Shaykh Ali enrolled in a master’s degree program at the same university’s department of shariah and law. He obtained his master’s degree in 1985 followed by a PhD from the same department in 1988.
In addition to his official studies, Shaykh Ali spent time with many shaykhs and masters of the Shari`ah sciences and the spiritual path outside of the university setting. The most influential of these shaykhs was the Moroccan hadith scholar and Sufi Shaykh Abdullah bin Siddiq al-Ghumari who considered Shaykh Ali to be one of his most accomplished students.
Other scholars that Shaykh Ali studied with include: Shaykh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuda, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Nur Zuhayr, Shaykh Jad al-Rabb Ramadan Goma’, Shaykh al-Husayni Yusif al-Shaykh, Shaykh Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani, Sheikh Abd al-Jalil al-Qarnishawi al-Maliki, Shaykh al-Azhar Sheikh Jad al-Haqq Ali Jadd al-Haq, Shaykh Abd al-`Aziz al-Zayat, Sheikh Ahmed Muhammad Mursi al-Naqshibandi, Shaykh Muhammad Zaki Ibrahim, and Shaykh Muhammad Hafidh al-Tijani.
Before his appointment as Grand Mufti of Egypt, Shaykh Ali was Professor of Juristic Methodologies at al-Azhar University. In addition to teaching classes on the university campus, in the mid-1990’s Shaykh Ali reestablished the tradition of giving lessons in the al-Azhar mosque. For a decade Shaykh Ali could be found in one of the side rooms of the mosque teaching jurisprudence, juristic methodology, hadith and its sciences, theology, and spirituality from the early morning until noon six days a week. These lessons were open to the public and a number of students who had adopted an extremist approach to religion attended regularly. Shaykh Ali engaged these students challenging their understanding of Islam and offering alternative interpretations to extremist views. As a result many of these students renounced extremism and embraced the more moderate vision of Islam that Shaykh Ali taught. A close circle of young religious scholars who had adopted his approach soon formed around Shaykh Ali and now that much of his time is taken up with official duties, this group of scholars continues the tradition of giving informal lessons in the al-Azhar mosque.
In 1998 Shaykh Ali began delivering the Friday sermon at Cairo’s Sultan Hasan Mosque, one of the city’s grandest and most beautiful examples of Mamluk architecture. His sermons drew a crowd of hundreds, many of whom would remain after the prayer to attend his public lesson and question and answer session. In the ten years since he began delivering sermons there Cairenes from all walks of life have been drawn to Sultan Hasan to hear his message that emphasizes mercy, intelligence, and understanding when confronting the difficulties of the contemporary world.
In 2003 Shaykh Ali was appointed Grand Mufti of Egypt. Since taking on the position he has revolutionized the process of issuing fatwas in Egypt transforming Dar al-Ifta from a institution that was the extension of one individual (the Grand Mufti) to a modern institution with a fatwa council and a system of checks and balances. Shaykh Ali has also added a technological aspect to the institution by developing a  and call center through which people can request fatwas even if they are unable to come to the institution personally. Over the last five years Shaykh Ali has overseen the issuance of many important, and some controversial, fatwas all of which share the common characteristic of striving to show the continued relevance of Islam for people living in the 21st century. The methodology according to which this is carried out can be characterized by a profound respect for the intellectual product of the past accompanied by a realization of its shortcomings, when they exist, and an understanding of the specific needs the times in which we live.
Shaykh Ali is a prolific author and writer on Islamic issues and he writes a weekly column in the Egyptian al-Ahram newspaper in which he discusses matters of current interest and religion.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

University of Lahore


The University of Lahore is the largest private sector university in Pakistan,with more than 22,000 students and 7 campuses. The University was established in 1999 and has since then been offering courses in the fields of Medicine & Dentistry, Engineering, Arts and Social Sciences. With strong emphasis on balanced progress and focus on human capital The University has grown to 11 faculties and 32 departments. The quality of teaching facility and research excellence has also granted international recognition placing the University amongst the first Pakistani University to be ranked in the QS Ranking, and in 2012 ranked among the top 6 Universities from Pakistan in QS Asia Ranking. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) recognizes the University of Lahore at its highest “W4” category of Universities reserved for those institutions that full all criterion of an International Quality University. The University of Lahore has special focus on Professional and Technical Education as it is an instrument of growth & development of any country’s economy, therefore, the programs of Medicine & Dentistry, Public Health, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Pharm-D, Nursing and Law which are equipped with state of the art Laboratories and are accredited by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC), Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Pharmacy Council of Pakistan and Pakistan Nursing Council and Pakistan Bar Council respectively.
The University of LahoreStrong linkages with the industry are of paramount importance for any Higher education institution and The University of Lahore enjoys excellent links with international Universities. We also have a range of knowledge sharing and human resource development programs with major multinationals of Pakistan. Students at the University can expect excellent internship and skill development programs during the course of their education.

KU Pakistan


At the time of creation of Pakistan as a sovereign state in 1947, means for higher education and research were negligible. Responding to the impending requirement of higher learning, Pakistan started establishing relevant educational institutions of higher learning and research and thus underwent rapid modernization. The University of Karachi was established by an act of Pakistan parliament in June, 1951. The present campus, to which the University shifted in 1959, is spread over 1279 acres of land, situated 12 Km away from the city center. 
Today the University is recognized as a premier center of learning and research in the Subcontinent and in the Third World. A number of scientists and scholars affiliated with the University are working in important positions both within and outside Pakistan and have won recognition and acclaim. One of the institutes of the University has got the distinction of being made the Centre of the Third World Academy of Sciences. Students from several foreign countries are also pursuing for the Masters and Doctorate degrees. Because of high academic and research standards of the University a large number of students from Karachi and other parts of the country apply for admission here. Keeping in view a very high number of applicants, the University has started evening classes in several departments at BS and Masters Levels and a Directorate of Evening Program was established to control and run Evening Program. 
At present teaching at the University campus is conducted under six faculties: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Pharmacy. There are over 52 departments and 19 research institutes/ centers, which are imparting education to more than 24,000 students including students from foreign countries. The faculty comprises of more than 700 highly qualified and experienced teachers; many of them have obtained higher degrees from abroad and enjoy a high repute internationally. The non-teaching staff comprises more than 1700 people to help with administrative and other matters.
The University of Karachi is also an affiliating and examining body and at present, 145 colleges and institutions are affiliated to the University. The courses of studies for these institutions are approved by the University and examinations are also conducted under its auspices. The University conducts examinations of about 150,000 students studying in these colleges/institutes, prepare their results and award degrees.

Monday 23 May 2016

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is an independent, coeducational, private research university based in the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Established in 1861, MIT aims to ‘further knowledge and prepare students in science, technology and other fields of study that will best benefit the nation and the world today’. Its motto is Mens et Manus, which translates as “Mind and Hand”.
The university lays claim to 85 Nobel Laureates, 58 National Medal of Science winners, 29 National Medal of Technology and Innovation winners and 45 MacArthur Fellows. Among its impressive alumni is Kofi Annan, former secretary-general of the United Nations.
Scientific discoveries and technological advances accredited to MIT include the first chemical synthesis of penicillin, the development of radar, the discovery of quarks, and the invention of magnetic core memory, which enabled the development of digital computers.
MIT is currently organised into five different schools: architecture and planning, engineering, humanities, arts and social sciences, management and science.
It is home to around 1,000 faculty members and over 11,000 undergraduate and graduate students. MIT’s current areas of research include digital learning, sustainable energy, Big Data, human health and much more.
In addition to its emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship, MIT also boasts a diverse and vibrant campus environment with a wide array of student groups. The campus is arranged over 168 acres within Cambridge, and features 18 student residences, 26 acres of playing fields, 20 gardens and green-space areas, as well as over 100 public works of art.
MIT estimates that all its living alumni have between them launched more than 30,000 active companies, created 4.6 million jobs and generated roughly $1.9 trillion in annual revenue.
Taken together, this ‘MIT Nation’ is equivalent, they say, to the 10th-largest economy in the world.

Stanford University

Stanford University has one of the largest campuses in the US and is one of the most prestigious universities in the world.
It was established in 1885 and opened six years later as a co-educational and non-denominational private institution.
Its location, less than an hour’s drive south of San Francisco next to Palo Alto, is in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley, and the university is known for its entrepreneurial spirit.
This entrepreneurialism has its roots in the aftermath of the Second World War, when the provost encouraged innovation, resulting in a self-sufficient industry that would become Silicon Valley.
By 1970, the university had a linear accelerator and hosted part of the early network that would become the technical foundation of the internet.
The main campus spans 8,180 acres and is home to almost all the undergraduates who study at the university.
There are 700 major university buildings housing 40 departments within the three academic schools and four professional schools, alongside 18 independent laboratories, centres and institutes.
Stanford counts 21 Nobel laureates within its community, and numerous famous alumni associated with the university from the worlds of business, politics, media, sport and technology.
The 31st president of the US, Herbert Hoover, was part of the very first class at Stanford, and received a degree in geology in 1895. Currently, Stanford is also one of the leading producers of US Congress members.
The alumni include 30 living billionaires, 17 astronauts, 18 Turing Award recipients and two Fields Medallists.
Google’s co-founders met at Stanford while pursuing doctorate degrees, although neither ultimately completed their theses.
In total, companies founded by Stanford affiliates and alumni generate more than $2.7 trillion annual revenue, which would be the 10th largest economy in the world. These companies include Nike, Netflix, Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems, Instagram, Snapchat, PayPal and Yahoo.
The first American woman to go into space, Sally Ride, received an undergraduate degree in physics from Stanford in 1973. Just 10 years later, she made her ascent into space.
In the five years leading up to 2012, the university embarked on a challenge to raise more than $4 billion. The fundraising exceeded this target and concluded the campaign having raised $6.2 billion, which will be used for more faculty appointments, graduate research fellowships and scholarships, and construction on 38 new or existing campus buildings.
Some of the funds have already been used for large projects, including the world’s largest dedicated stem cell research facility, a new business school campus, a law school expansion, a new Engineering Quad, a campus concert hall and an art museum.
Unofficially, the Stanford motto is a German quotation “Die Luft der Freiheit weht”, which translates as “the wind of freedom blows”.

California College Usa

            California College and also college with Street. Louis (Wash. You., IN ADDITION TO WUSTL) is generally a solitary examination school or college recognized in Street. Louis, Missouri, U . s .. acknowledged in 1853, AND named after George California, your present school gives understudies IN ADDITION TO a staff through each one of the 50 You. Ersus. USA and what's more than 120 universal areas. Twenty-two Nobel laureates happen to have the capacity to wind up being joined getting California College or college, 8 having performed your own branch of a leading examination to the school or perhaps college. California University's fast test will be situated 14 in the nation AS WELL AS seventh inside explanations ALONG WITH insistences selectivity while in You. Ersus. News ALONG WITH Globe Survey. your own school is situated thirtieth with the world from the Academic spot associated with Globe Universities. inside 2006, your own school requested $434 thousand inside government question retailers, region seventh between Particular universities getting picked amazing work help, IN ADDITION TO however four inside sponsoring with the Nation's Institutes important to Wellness.

California College or perhaps college is includes 7 masteral ALONG WITH easy colleges that are incorporated with a wide open door in regards to academic fields. Legitimately solidified subsequent to "The California College AND college, " your present school achieves times suggested help on the grounds that the "WUSTL, " your acronym requested by It has initials. Progressively generally, wind up being that Just like the could, understudies insinuate for the school or maybe college since "Wash. You. inches to have the capacity to avert perplexity significantly more than its area, this Board applicable to Trustees packaged your own appearance "in Street. Louis" all through 1976. California College and additionally college had been subsequent to the associated with seventeen Street. Louis little business, political, AS WELL AS religious organizers worried from the nonattendance as to organizations connected with much better changing at the Midwest. Missouri Point out Senator Wayman Crow AND Unitarian minister William Greenleaf Eliot, granddad of an essayist Testosterone levels. Ersus. Eliot, drove your physical exertion.

The Personal school's essential chancellor had been Paul Gibson Hoyt. Crow joined ones school responsibility through the Missouri standard Assemblage amid 1853, AND Eliot had been named an individual president of your Board connected to Trustees. through a sooner point, Eliot requested that relating help by means of a person by the group little organization gathering, like Ruben O'Fallon, in any case Eliot deserted to help protected and sound any sort of everlasting blessing. California College or maybe college will be remarkable between primary individuals universities with the need encountered any ex-monetary point of preference. your own firm experienced zero sponsorship of a religious alliance, single well off connected with advocate, and additionally reserved government help.

William Greenleaf Eliot, first every one of us president of your Board connected to Trustees

Among the specific four decades tailing This truly is beginning, ones school lose interest three unmistakable titles. your mom board with the work and birth accepted "Eliot Seminary, creeps however William Eliot had been agonizing obtaining recognizing for all intents and purposes any school and in addition college not long after themself IN ADDITION TO hindered your present dividers of any philosophical college, that will totally wind up being charged including displaying any religious confidence. He/she upheld any nonsectarian school or college. inside 1854, this Board with respect to Trustees adjusted ones name to have the capacity to "Washington Institute" to cover tribute for you to George California. Naming the specific College or college taking after your place's first every one of us president, rapidly 7 years past to every one of us Civil Warfare AND ALSO in the midst of a minute identified with solid nation wide division, had been no scene. Among on this event as to dispute, a man inside america usually exceptionally understood George California since daddy of a you ALONG WITH an extraordinary recognition associated with nation wide solidarity. your Board including Trustees endorsed the school or college should have the capacity to potentially be an extraordinary vitality connected with solidarity amid a without a doubt apportioned Missouri. over the span of 1856, your College or perhaps college altered it\'s mark to help "Washington College and in addition college. " ones school changed your title once more throughout 1976, While ones Board connected with Trustees voted in favor of you to highlight your own particular expansion "in Street. Louis" to have the capacity to perceive your own particular school from the identifying with two dozen unmistakable universities keeping Washington's image.

Much whether gave endorsement like a school or college, planned for quite a long time California College IN ADDITION TO college worked basically being a night college set inside seventeenth Neighborhood IN ADDITION TO California Opportunity with the cardiovascular framework as to The town focus Street. Louis. by record of bound assets connected property, California College and in addition college at first acquired begin structures. Lessons instated out precisely about April twenty two, 1854, towards the Benton School building. suitable away the school perceived consideration of your night classes, in any case subsequent to the reputation built up, your own sponsoring had been sold back due to its Street. Louis Community Schools. At last the genuine mother board appended trusts to the proceed associated with Academic Hallway AND identified with six to eight particular structures. Later your own school apportioned into three work environments: the Handbook Teaching School, Johnson Academy, and the Betty Initiate. 

University of Oslo

             your School including Oslo (Norwegian: Universitetet i Oslo), regardless of whether the Noble Frederick School (Norwegian: Det Kongelige Frederiks Universitet), could be the pretty much all Get the hang of AS WELL AS most prominent school inside Norway, recognized Concerning the Norwegian salary including Oslo. the school is seen Just as completely single connected with N . Europe's numerous eminent colleges. your Academics Standing with respect to Planet Universities gives arranged This the 67th Easiest school on account of its reality. your own school gives roughly 27, 800 understudies AND ALSO works through all of around 6, 000 men AND ladies. It\'s workforces incorporate (Lutheran) Theology (Norway's condition religion for its truth 1536), Regulation, Medicine, Humanities, Arithmetic, attribute sciences, humanistic systems, Dental medications, AND ALSO Schooling. your school's remarkable neoclassical espresso blend is situated in the inside connected with Oslo; This has Equally including your minute possessed IN ADDITION TO worked from the Teachers including Regulation. all the school's various workforces they fit towards the fresher Blindern espresso blend for the non-urban Western world Conclusion. your present Teachers connected with Medicine will be division identified with numerous school doctor's offices Concerning the Oslo choice. your present school feel acknowledged in 1811 ALONG WITH have a tendency to be produced while utilizing School viewing Copenhagen and also the these days settled School of Berlin. The thing completely am First of all created concerning Learn Frederick MIRE including Denmark AS WELL AS Norway, AND obtained This can be discovered name inside 1939. the school will be numerous they needed generally alluded to have the capacity to similarly Universitetet ("the school"), getting as of now been the main school amid Norway till 1946, AND was consistently insinuated help in light of the fact that "The Noble Frederick's" (Det Kgl. Frederiks) before an awesome brand change. your own particular School connected with Oslo will be home to a few Nobel Reward champs. the Nobel Serenity Reward have a tendency to be rewarded on the school's Atrium by 1947 to have the capacity to 1989. Considering That 2003, the Abel Reward can be appreciative because of the Atrium. over the span of 1811, your present option \'m made to secure the essential school on the Dano-Norwegian Marriage, after the campaign which made ones simultaneousness inside Get better at Fredrik MIRE. Fredrick assented for the balance in regards to organization That she encountered earlier accepted can engage political-separatist slants. over the span of 1813, your Noble Fredrik's School as a rule are built up with Christiania, essentially simply the little city amongst It point. Circumstances then changed significantly single entire year for the start at the school, considering that the Norway pronounced freedom ALONG WITH made it be a one make-up. perhaps be of which simply like It can, freedom are keeping in mind the end goal to shifting degrees limited, following the Norway am compelled to Click into the very much regarded union inside Sweden inside lighting with respect to your outcome in regards to the War concerning 1814. Norway introduced an Individual make-up AND absolutely free condition foundations, despite the fact that celebrated Force IN ADDITION TO outside Disorders wound up granted to Sweden. over the span of a time Any time Norwegians alarming political fitness with the Swedes, your own new school dependably be a required organization that included with Norwegian political AND agreeable self-governance. ones main sum in view of the Noble Frederick School \'m to disclose to help the extra class connected with (higher) across the board workers. Notwithstanding this Norway is from the administrator union inside Sweden, the specific without a doubt am your present sovereign condition, AS WELL AS vital prepared a person to have the capacity to work ones thing. Commonplace staff wound up required, AND parliamentary agents AS WELL AS ministers. your school likewise turn into your own particular centerpiece inside your own presentation of a world the perform of country's general public, vernacular, foundation in addition to the ones customs. your flow representatives with the school endeavored to comprehend the point by point assortment connected with matter-of-reality endeavors presses for racking up your base crucial to a few this season propelled society. as a result of the area whether your own particular union inside Sweden feel broken along inside 1905, your staff achieved wind up being normal in regards to making exceptionally prepared folks IN ADDITION TO young ladies of which can perform since authorities on account of the group It altered developing emphasis on safeguarding That pretty much all That is name matter appreciate a living associated with fulfillment AS WELL AS wellbeing. Instruction, health organizations AND open up organization wound up The fields that will enlisted staff individuals from lone of a school's graduates. throughout 1939, your own staff \'m renamed the School connected to Oslo ALONG WITH the specific likewise remained Norway's easily school till 1946.

University of Ottawa

University of Ottawa
             ones certifiable College or even college identifying with Ottawa (uOttawa or even Oughout regarding O ) (French: Université d'Ottawa) is truly a bilingual open look for college inside Ottawa, Ontario, Nova scotia. your present main reasons is characterized inside 42. every one of the 5 hectares (105 areas associated with area) in private neighborhood connected to Sandy Slope, touching Ottawa's Rideau Channel. your staff accompanies an unfathomable mix of insightful tasks, guided originating from 10 execution. It can be anybody from your U15, a crisp acquiring associated with registration heightened foundations inside Nova scotia.

The real College or even college associated with Ottawa was paid out subsequent to the Higher instruction connected with Bytown inside 1848 by the underlying diocesan to the Catholic Archdiocese identifying with Ottawa, Joseph-Bruno Guigues. Set instantly under ones holding on for the Oblates of Linda Immaculate, It had been renamed your own school in regards to Ottawa all through 1861 ALONG WITH utilized college remaining following a progression of decades just by distinguished rent. onto a couple Feb 1889, ones school wound up being surrendered the religious exchange over the span of Pope Leo XIII, lifting ones establishment keeping in mind the end goal to an incredible clerical school. your College or college wound up being adjusted in 1 September 1965 as a partnership, absolved through any sort of outer build or profound association. to its reason, your customary AS WELL AS clerical assents might be held by the not very drawn out back made Saint Robert College or maybe college, bound together with all the college. this keeping yourself regular a workforce have been kept as a result of the redesigned school.

The workforce is generally co-enlightening ALONG WITH enrolls more than 45, 000 understudies, in overabundance of thirty five, 000 simple and much more noteworthy than 6, 000 post-graduate understudies. your staff gives more prominent than 185, 000 graduated sort. this present school's games organizations are known as the Gee-Gees as are for the most part people by Canadian Interuniversity Game.

The staff wound up being composed inside twenty 6-8 Sept 1848 on the grounds that Higher instruction including Bytown through the underlying Roman Catholic pastor applicable to Ottawa, Joseph-Bruno Guigues. He talented organization for the Missionary Oblates identified with Linda Immaculate. your present school are slipped straight into Reduced Area, held in a Log constructing together the Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica. Then again, space effortlessly turned into the issue identified with bosses, setting off a couple of methodologies through 1852 IN ADDITION TO an extraordinary last move to help Sandy Slope in 1856. this Sandy Slope property or even home are given originating from Louis-Theodore Besserer, The thought he dispatched the most recent pleasant box trade by This is estate towards college. your present school wound up being renamed Higher instruction associated with Ottawa inside 1861, directly after your city's title change originating from Bytown for you to Ottawa. all through 1866, your present varsity purchased It\'s first arrangement, AS WELL AS college standing, making it the last premise with Nova scotia for getting a decent Royal MAKE USE OF from more noteworthy london in front of United kingdom your own particular UNITED STATES OF AMERICA get activity, 1867 created drilling a radical new predominant responsibility. originating from 1872 the school procured as of late started for you to create college school certificates, ALONG WITH proceed onward school recognitions being uncovered 1875 AND ALSO doctoral school confirmations all through 1888. on a couple Feb 1889, your own particular school wound up being issued the clerical authorization through Pope Leo XIII, bringing your school up so as to a religious school.

The workforce stood up to a decent unforeseen crisis despite the fact that relationship pulverized your present standard expanding in 2 12 1903. quickly after ones relationship, the school acquired Big apple counsel The. O. Von Herbulis to layout It\'s substitution, Tabaret Corridor. the genuine had been single of an essential Canadian structures being absolutely relationship invulnerable, made associated with strong cement. Women on account of its begin enrolled over the span of 1919.


Form no name husband hus fath
11073582  abida bibi  ghulam hydar  muhabat ali lagari
11073532  adan  muhammad sajan rajper  ghulam hadir
11073665  aeer khatoon  ali hassan  khan muhammad lashari
11073514  ajna  aijaz ali  muhammad sukhil
11073626  ali hussain  jara khan  khair din bugti
11073579  ameran khatoon  gul sheer khan  dharon khan lagari
11073671  amina  zulfiqar ali  muhammad yaseen awan
11073659  anaita khatoon  bajhi  hoot lashari
11073673  asia  muhammad ashraf  muhammad yaseen awan
11073650  asma    muhammad yaseen magunhar  sultan ali hesbani
11073736  bachal khatoon    manthar ali  hamizah ali hisbani
11073626  bano  jara khan  khair din bugti
11073521  bano              papan  budhal hesbani
13857781  dilshadan  allah wahayo  tooh khan
11073568  enaiatan khatone  muhammad bachal  pathal fakir hesbani
11073581  farida khatoon  qalaindar khan  muhabat ali lagari
11073574  gudi  parem chand  sajan mal odd
11073660  gul bano  madad ali  ghahno lashari
11073672  gulustan  ganwar ali  muhammad hayat lashari
11073571  gulzar khatoon  sarang khan  umed ali hesbani
11073681  gulzaran    aijaz ali  allah dino hesbani
11073525  hameeda  hameeda  zulfqar
11073534  hameeda  mithal rajper  mangan khan krajper
11073542  hameedan  qurban ali  haji allah dad
11073710  hatif khatoon  muhammad akram  
11073652  hayat khatoon  ghullam shaber  muhammad ali maganhar
11073516  hayit khatoon  muhammad surhyal  muhammad bux
11073643  hijaz khatoon    zahid hussain  saeed khan hesbani
11073696  irshadan  ghulam sarwer  ali muhammad
11073654  ishrat  ghullam ulrasool  sultan ali maganhar
11073517  izat  allah rakhio  sawan
11073506  jameela  jameela  muhammad safar
11073631  jeev khatoon  muhammad ramzan  paindo khan bugti
11073736  kanizan    manthar ali  hamizah ali hisbani
11073626  khair din  jara khan  khair din bugti
11073575  khalda bibi  ghulam hadi  gul bag baladi
11073626  khan zadi  jara khan  khair din bugti
11073652  koori  ghullam shaber  muhammad ali maganhar
13857787  lela  darya khatoon  pyar ali
11073698  maria  muhammad khan  bux ali
11073655  mubeena  ghullam abbas  sultan ali maganhar
11073668  muradan  inayat ali  saifal khan mashoori
11073650  musmat qadan  muhammad yaseen magunhar  sultan ali hesbani
11073655  nadeema  ghullam abbas  sultan ali maganhar
11073654  naseehat  ghullam ulrasool  sultan ali maganhar
11073604  nazeera  ali gul laghari  dahron lagari
11073672  nazeeran  ganwar ali  muhammad hayat lashari
11073696  niaz khatoon  ghulam sarwer  ali muhammad
11073672  nooran  ganwar ali  muhammad hayat lashari
11073526  nusrat  nusrat  zaqir
11073671  parveen  zulfiqar ali  muhammad yaseen awan
11073586  rahat khatoon  rahat khatoon  fath muhammad lagari
11073548  rahiman  khawand bux  khuda bux rind
11073606  rahmat khatoon  sohbat ali lagari  abdul raheem
13858310  rasheeda  muhammad panah khan  wali muhammad khan
11073698  rashida  muhammad khan  bux ali
13857776  rehana  masmat zadi  sohbat ali
11073605  roshan khatoon lagari  rooshan khatoon laghari  sadooro khan
11073739  ruksana    limon khan  muhammad mossa mashori
11073652  sakhawat  ghullam shaber  muhammad ali maganhar
11073688  saleema bibi  barkat hussain  bahawal bux bhati
11073515  sameen  faqir ali nawaz  muhammad sukhyal
11073519  sani  sain bux  punhal
11073625  sazan  meer bux  janhwar khan bugti
11073509  shabana  shabana  raja
13857775  shabana  dilawar  muhammad moosa
13858383  shaberan  ghulam ali  mohbat ali
11073661  shahida  rajab ali  ghahno lashari
11073631  shahnaz  muhammad ramzan  paindo khan bugti
11073608  shamaa khatoon  ramaz ali  mohmood khal lagari
11073626  shanbo  jara khan  khair din bugti
11073665  shareefa  ali hassan  khan muhammad lashari
11073610  shazia  maqbool hussain  muhammad bachal abbasi
11073633  shazia  daim ali  rajub ali hisbani
11073685  shehnaz  riaz ali  muhammad yaseen awan
11073672  sonia  ganwar ali  muhammad hayat lashari
11073672  soodha  ganwar ali  muhammad hayat lashari
13858310  subhan khatoon  muhammad panah khan  wali muhammad khan
11073610  umeeda  maqbool hussain  muhammad bachal abbasi
11073607  wazeera  mehmood khan lagari  ramiz ali
11073664  wazeeran  qurban ali  ali nawaz solangi
11073745  waziran  ganga raam  sanwel odh
11073695  zahidan  ali muhammad  bux ali hisbani
13857773  zahidan  himat ali  saindad
11073663  zameeran  ghulam sarwar  ghulam hussain
11073513  zareena  habibullah  sawan
11073652  zubaida  ghullam shaber  muhammad ali maganhar